You Don't Wanna Be My Girlfriend Phoebe
You don't wanan be my girl friend Phoebe
You just wanna show your beauty
Oh my Phoebe can you see that I'm crying
All the boys think that you are the best
All the eyes are just looking at your breast
Oh my Phoebe you just wanna show your beauty
You don't wanna kiss me You just wanna show your beauty
You don't wanna know me You know you're not just a love song to me
You've ever sent your photos to me
Watching your face is an interesting journey
Oh my Phoebe I wanna tell you my little story
Can you talk to me when I'm lonely
Can we talk not only when you're lonely I know you
Phoebe I think I trend to know you completely
You don't wanna kiss me You just wanna show your beauty
You don't wanna know me You will never send all your love to me
So please don't say maybe we may meet one day
This sentence could not last more than one day Cos you know I'm not
The only one be missed by you as same as I don't only miss you
目前網誌是放這一首歌,收錄在 "在動物園散步才是正經事" 的第九首
最近會一直聽 my liitle airport 的歌,是香港的團體
總共出了兩張專輯,單曲 EP 我就沒算了....
然後留言板目前放的是同張專輯的第二首歌 "在動物園散步才是正經事"

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